Dear National Representative of Physical Education,
This questionnaire will be included as part of the future EuPEO - European Observatory of Physical Education, an Erasmus Plus Sport Project, in which Portugal, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, France, Hungary, and The Netherlands are involved. The following institutions are responsible for national and Europe-wide data, outputs and dissemination within EuPEO Project.
Portugal: Faculty of Human Kinetics, University of Lisbon (FMH-UL) and Portuguese Physical Education Society (SPEF);
Czech Republic: Faculty of Physical Culture (FPC), Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci (UP);
Slovenia: Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana (UL);
Ireland: School of Education, University College Cork (UCC)
Germany: Willibald Gebhardt Institute (WGI) and Deutscher Sportlehrerverband (DSLV);
Switzerland: Bern University of Applied Sciences (BASPO) and Swiss National Physical Education Association (SNPEA);
France: Syndicat National de l ’education Physique (SNEP);
Hungary: The Hungarian School Sport Federation (HSSF);
The Netherlands: Mullier Institute (Netherlands), University of Münster (MI) and Koninklijke Vereniging voor Lichamelijke Opvoeding (KVLO).
This project aims to characterize Physical Education, School Sport and other Forms of Physical Activity Based on the School, in each member country of the European Physical Education Association (EUPEA).
As responsible for your EUPEA Association/Institutional member, we ask you to answer the following questions. Your cooperation is crucial to the success of this project and to the promotion of the Quality of Physical Education in Europe.
Themes: PE National Policy/Teacher Workforce/Teacher Education (ISCED 0-3)/Curriculum Flexibility (ISCED 0-3).
Thank you so much!
* The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.